Thursday, September 6, 2007

Kingdom Hearts Intro

I definitely like Kingdom Hearts, and I'll soon be making my own personal review of it. Although the second game complicated the story a bit, at least the gameply didn't get blasted (as was the case with Xenosaga).

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Got to play RainbowSix Vegas!!!!!1!

So today I realized that in my louge here at school, someone has their 360 set up for general use! YESSSSSSS.
One of their games was Rainbow Six Vegas, which I've been meaning to try out.
Needless to say, it turned out as expected. I just don't like military tactical shooters, e.g. Ghost Recon. The action in em isn't gratifying enough for me.

I have nothing here at school with me besides my laptop, so hello Halo demo and Guild Wars.
Guild Wars has recieved a lukewarm reception from me. MMOs have never been a big interest of mine. I never feel very involved in the world and story when I play them. It just feels like I'm in a big internet chatroom with tons of other lunatics running every which way. I much prefer the intimacy of a good single player RPG.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Summerz OVERRRRR, heres a sum up

summers up and im back to school.
what happened over those few glorious months of freedom?
I got the 3rd and final xenosaga, one of my favorite current series. Also, I got Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (mostly at my brother's insistence), and have been enjoying that with him.
I got the Darkness for 360, which was a cool game but a little iffy on gameplay.

THEN, August came. I got the Limited Edition Bioshock!! Such happiness. Anyway, its incredible. That's what I've been playing the most recently.
Also, FFXII is almost done. Now THAT is a doozy of a game.

I can use telekinesis to kill people by throwing the dead bodies of their own comrades at Bioshock, that is...mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sound gets axed on the PC front!!

It's horrible!!! (as agent void would say)
My laptop decided that it's sound card device drivers thingies should stop working. So, no more sound. YAAAAAY COMPUTERS.

Not that I really play on my computer anyway, but Batlefield 1942 is just a little too....quiet now....

My laptops just about made it to the one year mark in it's life. WILL IT MAKE IT TWO YEARS WITHOUT COMPLETELY DISINTEGRATING!?!? We'll have to wait and see!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Summer Gaming

Wellllll, if it isn't my old dusty musty busty blog!

Not much happened after school ended. I'm just working on FF XII. It is hardddd, but so drippingly goooood.
I boughts Valkyrie Profile 2:Silmeria, and that is...interesting. I'm liking it, but haven't gotten too far in it yet.
...hmm, also bought Area 51 fur PS2. Thought it had a co op campaign mode but ALAS. It didn't, and I sort of wept.

The PS2 is dyinggggg. (not my particular system but the whole thing in general). I'm in the process of gathering up the last great games for it, as well as a multi-tap, better controllers, and some OLDER PS1 games that I really liked.
I never bought one of those "new slim" PS2s. I bought the big clunker for 300 bucks. My first game? GTA III!!!!!!!!!!!

so yea........BIOSHOCK IS COMING.

Friday, May 11, 2007

BioShock LE Edition@!!!

yeaa so a while ago they announced the LE edition of BioShock and all the yummy stuff it would include. It'll come in a big tin with original box art, a big daddy action figure, a making of DVD, and the official soundtrack!! HOLY CRAPPING MONKEY LOAFS! I took the train immediately to EB, reserved my shiny LE BioShock, then came home and wallowed.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

HoRRoR games

During my early years of gaming, horror games seemed like the "dark forbidden final lair of gaming" because of their nature and ESRB rating... It seemed like horror games were the most hardcore games that only truly committed gamers played.

Well, I was sort of right, although there are some really dedicated gamers who play other things, but horror gamers are the grittiest. Anyway, my first horror game experience was just an experiment with Resident Evil Zero for gamecube (I was a sophmore in highschool).

It was exhilirating, and I knew I was hooked like a monkey on coked up steroids. I played Resident Evil Zero, 1, 2, and 4. Man were they awesome. I got RE 2 for the N64 which made me go "wow this must mean i'm out of my mind. I'm buying a game for the 64, just because it's Resident Evil.

I consider the RE series to be "conventional horror", what with the zombies, mutants, and fairly straightforward scare tactics. Then I started looking into more psycological, twisted horror games. A Silent Hill 4 demo was the first one of these that I played.

I only actually bought Silent Hill 3, but I intend to play the others eventually. SH 3 is really disturbing, but again it is exhilirating. It's interesting to see how much horror I can take. >_>

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

lan this last weekend

My Brother and I went to my Daddyo's house this past weekend to have some LAN Halo!! Well, I could only get one of his computers to effectively run Halo...:(

Still, it was really fun. I forgot to take pictures!!! -__- My Dad's really into Halo now. In the future we're going to try and get more computers so at least the three of us can play simultaneously.

I cant believe I forgot to take pictures...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

other walls

Call of Duty 2: BRO

I love the scenery and graphics, they work well together. Online is weird though because it's really jumpy but it doesn't seem to hinder gameplay at all, it just looks bad. Awesome weapon selection, and nice map variety.

Not too many people play it, usually never more than 50 at a time. One of the things I like most about this game is the presentation. Just the way it comes off is very neat and intense. ya ya! das bose!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

mmm wp's for all

why is the halo demo so addictive?

I think the question is: why is Halo itself so addictive? I feel the question lies in the emergent gameplay.

Emergent gameplay is something thats been emerging (what a skillful pun) in the last few years in gaming. Its all about player created scenarios, not pre-programmed events. The thing about the way Halo's gameplay is set up, is that so many crazy interesting things can happen.

It really FEELS like you're having an impact on whats happening in the battle. This is a wonderful quality for a game to have, because it really sucks you in big time. I hear they're trying to do this with BioShock as well, but I'm not going into a BioShock rant again now. :P

Monday, April 30, 2007

another bioshock video

Heres another awesome video for BioShock. there are a few others, so go search YouTube if you're that desperate!!

why, lord Il Palazzo?

Il Palazzo exclaims "I shall make it a staff officer and the thingy a unit captain!"

interesting wallpapers

Sunday, April 29, 2007

BioShock Media und ranting

Why does BioShock look and sound amazing?? The creativity, the atmosphere, the enemies and gameplay. 2K games and Irrational is really trying their hardest to make something fresh and new that ignites people's imaginations.

As a lover of shooters and horror games, BioShock simply makes me drool. The atmosphere of these trailers is just sopping with darkness and mystery. August 21st is the day, people. Mark your calendarsss!!


Yesss, with Vice City and San Andreas out of the way, it's time for a full blown sequel. And it's next gen, too. mmmmm, shiny.

I only really played GTA III and vice city. But still, those games were amazing in their scope and creativity (and glorious VIOLENSE). My interest in GTA kind of waned a little with San Andreas and I wasn't as hardcore as before, hey that rhymes.

But with the coming of this new sequel I suddenly feel ultra revitalized and raring to go cause more blood soaked mayhem! I feel Rockstar knows what they're doing and will try hard to really change the way games are played.

...and here is the trailer. Is that Phillip Glass's music in the background? All I know is it's awesome.

Friday, April 27, 2007

small wp dump

Here are some wallpapers that for some reason or another I absolutely love. They're mostly from animes.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Yes, I personally believe BioShock will be one of the biggest breakthrough games of the next generation. Just looking at this screen gets me all...jumpy.


Holy crap this is the first post here EVER and I'm so special and happy to be here and......
